Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Now is right on time

 I've been rather absent here over the past year.  I am really good at doing super long recaps, but I'm not going to do that here, despite all the awesomeness that's been going on here.  I did however stumble across a beautiful challenge to write every day in May over at Story of My Life.  Each day has a different prompt.  Click on the image on the right to see what it's all about.  

Maybe this will get me back into this, because truth is, I miss it!  For May 1st, I get to write my life story in 250 words or less... here you go!

Well –
I was born in raised in Amish country - hence my need to yell buggy whenever I see one.  I grew up a dancer, starting at the young age of 2.  I went to a little hick town school in the middle of nowhere.  I was the smart kid, the kind who read books at recess [don’t hate, I love my books!!] I started competing with my dance team/family when I was 8: we had a pretty rocking ballet team :)
Music entered my life and I made the decision to be a band director, throwing myself into practicing my bassoon.  I was all set to go to college for bassoon when I had a few amazing teachers tell me other options.
I ended up a math major my freshman year.  I got my first real job as an RA in the towers at BG.  For 10 weeks one summer, I got to love on some kids as a camp counselor at Marmon Valley Farm, which added the horse obsession to my life.  It also reignited my faith in God and Changed. My. Life.  After that summer, I knew without a doubt that youth ministry would be a part of my life.
I eventually graduated college, moved back to Amish country (I love it here), became an application developer (oh yeah, computers came into my life too), and now I’m working on what life looks like post-college. I’m excited for what God’s got planned for me here!

1 - My coach's horse Lily and I doing a photo shoot. 2 - Camp staff making an movie for Saving Private Smiley. 3 - RA Staff Offenhauer Towers! 4 - Practicing Bassoon 5 - Graduating from college! 6 - My lovely youth girls.  I love them! We were studying Ruth that year. 7 - My crazy cabin. 8 - Our first ballet competition

1 comment:

  1. I love catching up with you it was great seeing the family on Skype I hope to see your post every Day In May stay strong in your faith and in your goals lots of love ... Annette


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