Recently in my literature class, we were asked:
"What first comes to mind when you think of New Years?"
My response: Sauerkraut!!!!
Intended Answer: A new beginning
And that's why I'm a CS Major...
Oops.... Obviously literature class isn't my strong suit. But I feel that this situation obviously shows why I chose Computer Science and Math. Logic and Order, as well as surface thoughts, I guess you could say, are things I like. Unless I'm in the mood for it, I'm not so good with the philosophical side of life. I mean, I like deep thinking and love trying to solve problems, but when it comes to why an author chose to write the New Years holiday over Easter, it's just beyond my comprehension (or maybe it's just that I could just care less... who knows).
All this to tell you that when I graduate this May, you can rest assured I know that I will be getting a degree in something that was meant to be.
I want to share with you the joy I've been feeling during this job search. God has blessed me in many ways, and there has never been a time like now where it is has been so clear to me. God has placed me in a field that I enjoy and that I'm good at. No, it's not my greatest passion, but I do love it. God knows my true passion is with teens, and I place my trust in Him that He will place me somewhere where I can make a difference with kids, but He has given me something that I can have an occupation in and still enjoy. I'm content working as a developer or whatever else come with Computer Science because I know God will use me where I'm at.
Back to my blessings, not only am I going to be doing something I enjoy, He has also given me ample opportunities.
As a graduate in this economy, the job market is awful. Most of the people I graduate with won't have a job for a while after they graduate, let alone a job before so. I've been blessed with the fact that I won't have to worry about that. I will have a job after I graduate, and yes, I've worked hard to accomplish what I have, but without God, I'd be nothing. He could have just as easily dealt me a hand where I wasn't successful and had to worry about how I was going to live after graduation, but He didn't.
Most of my generation will not end their careers at the same company they started it at. This has always been a goal of mine despite the facts, and God has just blown this desire out of the water (in a good way). Every company that I've applied for will fulfill this want of mine. I don't want to job hop my whole life. If it's what I'm called to do, then I pray that I am willing to follow, but if I don't have to, I'd rather not. Whenever I tell people I want to stay at one company for my career, I always get funny looks, as if to say, Yeah right. I have faith though and look forward to it. God is good.
It's been quite interesting trying to figure out life post-graduation. So many things to decide! And these decisions will have a big impact on the rest of my life. No more scheduling classes that will affect me for a semester... These are the major life decision things. Three years ago, I would be buckling under the overwhelming pressure I would have placed upon myself. I'm glad to say that I can look back over the past three years and see personal growth in my life. No longer am I stressed out; I can look to the future and truly believe God's got it. It's such a cool feeling to know that someone is in control and it doesn't have to be me. A simple, yet profound thought [my favorite kind of thoughts :) ]
I've got a lot of big decisions to make in the next month or so, and prayers would be much appreciated. I'm not sure whether my desires are just that - mine, or if they are truly aligned with what God has in store for me. I'm trying to align my desires with His, but I don't know if they've quite gotten there.
I currently know which offer I would love to have. It just sounds perfect, but is it what God really wants? I'm not sure. [sorry for the vagueness on the actual jobs, but I don't want to share them online... feel free to call or email or whatever if you really want to hear about it]. If anyone has advice or help or anything, I'd welcome them!!!
I'm really looking forward to the future. Not only am I looking forward to starting my career, I'm looking forward to starting my life as a non-student. School's great and all, but I'm ready for a break :) I'm looking forward to what God's got planned for me. I just know it's so much better than I could ever imagine!
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers and for reading these random posts of mine. God bless!!
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Why I'm a CS Major
Job Search,
Lovin' God,
Teaching Moments
Tumbleweeds, Apple Dumplings, and Sine Curves
God is so good! And He blessed me with a wonderful weekend surrounded by great company.
Friday evening, I got to spend some time just enjoying the spirit of being a "Falcon." Last weekend was Homecoming, aka a time to take pride in being a student at BG. Anyway, I actually went to the parade to see my roommate, Maggie, and a friend from back home, Marty, who were both on the Homecoming Court. After taking pictures of them, I actually went to the 'pep rally,' the first time I've ever went :) I actually enjoyed it too! [probably because I'm a sucker for tumbling passes and the dance team and cheerleaders performed... haha]
Some pictures from Homecoming
Afterwards, the real fun of the weekend began. A small group from our Bible Study went to a corn maze. The maze was themed after Noah's Ark and was filled with fun facts. Our group split up and went our own ways, but we all had a blast. It was a gorgeous night. The sky was beautiful and the conversations were great.

Saturday came, and Lauren and I went to the football game. We didn't stay long; the game was awful at first. I mean, we were 1 yard from goal line and still managed to NOT score. So Lauren and I left...
We then picked up Josh and set out on a journey to find an Apple Dumpling Festival. Josh had mentioned something the night before in the corn maze, and the weather just seemed perfect for a festival. But before anyone sets out on a journey, food is an essential, so we stopped at Taco Bell :) We then headed out to find this place.
Josh was our copilot as I broke Tom Tom (my faithful GPS). We all enjoyed good conversations throughout our drive, but the most entertaining, I will share with you:
[after driving for a half hour]
Tiff:"Okay Josh, where am I going now?"
Josh:"Well first, you've got to get through the sine curve..."
Tiff:"The what?"
Josh: "The Sine curve, see?"
[he then shows me the map:]
Josh:"And then you'll be looking for Delta"
Lauren:"Well what's the change?"
Josh:"Oh math humor :)"
[for those that might not know, Delta was the name of the town we went to for the festival, and in math terms, delta means 'change']
Yeah, so our humor is lame, but it was fun.

We finally found the festival (after several wrong turns) and were a little disappointed. It was super small, but we did get to enjoy good Apple Dumplings and fun at the park.
After catching up with a friend of Josh's, we headed back to BG, stopping at a fruit farm, also running into another friend of Josh's, where we enjoyed homemade pumpkin donuts and non pasteurized apple cider [both of them = AMAZING!!!]
We finally made it back to my place, where we were joined by Ashley and enjoyed watching "Dave and the Giant Pickle" (aka Veggie Tales, haha) and then The Killers. Once the movie ended, all four of us enjoyed an hour or so of playing Kinect. You literally become the controller as it tracks your movements. It makes for a very active game and a HILARIOUS thing to watch.

Josh and Lauren Jumping over obstacles
Ashley and Josh ducking under a bar
Ashley and I blocking holes
The evening ended and the weekend moved on. I did a lot of programming on Sunday, so the weekend ended well.
So there you have it, my latest update on life; be on the lookout for my job search soon!
P.S. I tried to put video's on here, but it just wasn't working, but on another note Josh came up with the title for my blog today :)
Friday evening, I got to spend some time just enjoying the spirit of being a "Falcon." Last weekend was Homecoming, aka a time to take pride in being a student at BG. Anyway, I actually went to the parade to see my roommate, Maggie, and a friend from back home, Marty, who were both on the Homecoming Court. After taking pictures of them, I actually went to the 'pep rally,' the first time I've ever went :) I actually enjoyed it too! [probably because I'm a sucker for tumbling passes and the dance team and cheerleaders performed... haha]
Some pictures from Homecoming
Marty |
Afterwards, the real fun of the weekend began. A small group from our Bible Study went to a corn maze. The maze was themed after Noah's Ark and was filled with fun facts. Our group split up and went our own ways, but we all had a blast. It was a gorgeous night. The sky was beautiful and the conversations were great.

Saturday came, and Lauren and I went to the football game. We didn't stay long; the game was awful at first. I mean, we were 1 yard from goal line and still managed to NOT score. So Lauren and I left...
We then picked up Josh and set out on a journey to find an Apple Dumpling Festival. Josh had mentioned something the night before in the corn maze, and the weather just seemed perfect for a festival. But before anyone sets out on a journey, food is an essential, so we stopped at Taco Bell :) We then headed out to find this place.
Josh was our copilot as I broke Tom Tom (my faithful GPS). We all enjoyed good conversations throughout our drive, but the most entertaining, I will share with you:
[after driving for a half hour]
Tiff:"Okay Josh, where am I going now?"
Josh:"Well first, you've got to get through the sine curve..."
Tiff:"The what?"
Josh: "The Sine curve, see?"
[he then shows me the map:]
Josh:"And then you'll be looking for Delta"
Lauren:"Well what's the change?"
Josh:"Oh math humor :)"
[for those that might not know, Delta was the name of the town we went to for the festival, and in math terms, delta means 'change']
Yeah, so our humor is lame, but it was fun.

We finally found the festival (after several wrong turns) and were a little disappointed. It was super small, but we did get to enjoy good Apple Dumplings and fun at the park.
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Josh and his friend who told him about the festival |
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Lauren on the merry go round |
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Maybe not the best decision after a dumpling.... |
After catching up with a friend of Josh's, we headed back to BG, stopping at a fruit farm, also running into another friend of Josh's, where we enjoyed homemade pumpkin donuts and non pasteurized apple cider [both of them = AMAZING!!!]
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There was a petting zoo at the fruit place |
We finally made it back to my place, where we were joined by Ashley and enjoyed watching "Dave and the Giant Pickle" (aka Veggie Tales, haha) and then The Killers. Once the movie ended, all four of us enjoyed an hour or so of playing Kinect. You literally become the controller as it tracks your movements. It makes for a very active game and a HILARIOUS thing to watch.
Josh and Lauren Jumping over obstacles
We all enjoyed Henry :)
Josh taking Henry for a walk :) |
The evening ended and the weekend moved on. I did a lot of programming on Sunday, so the weekend ended well.
So there you have it, my latest update on life; be on the lookout for my job search soon!
P.S. I tried to put video's on here, but it just wasn't working, but on another note Josh came up with the title for my blog today :)
Bible Study,
Fun with Friends,
My House,
Random Trips,
The Dog
Thursday, October 13, 2011
"Brandy, my bed just ate my homework"
Ahh! I'm sitting here writing a paper when the sheet of notebook paper with my notes on it slips between the bed and the wall (meaning I can't find it as it is now in the abyss of my room). This bed doesn't move, courtesy of having no bed frame, so getting this sheet of paper seems to be impossible. Which leads to my newest thought: Procrastination will be the death of me (or maybe it will prolong my life, I'd be late to my own my own funeral...)
I will be up late tonight to finish my paper, in which all the research has been done for 3 weeks, that will be extremely easy to write, that is due tomorrow. This will cause a lack of sleep, a long Thursday, a grumpy demeanor, as well as the fact that I had to be distracted during conversations tonight so that I could finish this paper.
While I find myself in this position tonight with this paper, this happens all the time!!! It's always one thing or the other, with the excuse "I'll do it tomorrow, I'll have time later, I've got more important things to do with my life right now," etc. etc. So yes, I see it in my school work, but I see it in so many aspects of life. From family, friends, school, my house, and most definitely my spiritual life. Ahh!
If you take a look at Jesus' life, the most important thing to Jesus at any given time was the person right in front of Him. Not to diminish the fact that He was definitely here for a purpose other than that, but honestly, the person right in front of Him was the most important person right then and there. I fail at this. Someday time will not run my life. [Side note, someday I hope to live on a farm and live a simple life, but that's a topic for another day]. Someday I will not rush from one thing to another, losing myself in my schedule. How does this relate to procrastination you may ask? Well I procrastinate with people. I have a list of so many people I need to catch up with, have coffee/tea with, to write thank you cards to, etc. I have a list, literally. It will eventually get all done, but I put people on a list. A list that has been ongoing for 8 weeks!
School work and house work I feel is self explanatory. Homework is always done the night before (more like hours before), or in all honesty, not done at all. My room = piles of stuff to be put away [speaking of which, I need to move my laundry to the dryer...] The kitchen, well I think I said enough about that in my last post.
But I think what I'm bothered by the most is my procrastination in my spiritual life. I love reading the Bible, especially the Old Testament. I'm currently in Joshua, so there is all kinds of action going on, big huge battle scenes, tens of thousands of soldiers going at it in old fashioned warfare. Kinda cool (and people think the Bible is boring...) I get into the Word, and I can't get enough of it. But it's a matter of actually getting into the Word. I try to read when I wake up, but then I oversleep because I was up so late. So then I try to read before I go to bed, but then I justify that I'll just read in the morning because I'm too tired now. <=Procrastination at it's finest. To combat this, I now have a Bible in my bookbag so if I have time, I pull it out. It's definitely helped. Prayers are much appreciated as I struggle with this battle. I pray that I can combat this just like Joshua :)
Leaving the topic of procrastination, I haven't updated you on life for a while. What a fun two or three weeks it has been! It's been a busy few weeks, but a lot of fun.
Riding at BG started up. We are now at a new barn and have another coach, so it's been a learning curve trying to get used to one another. I'm enjoying it! I love having something in my life that is truly, honestly just for fun. I've never really had that before. Kinda sweet!
Speaking of horses, I spent a weekend at Marmon for their Fall Festival. It was cold and rainy, but God is so very good and has blessed me with amazing people, which I got to see that weekend. Lizzie 'kidnapped' me and took me to a very wet football game. Then I got to see Natalie, Meredith, Laura, Courtney, and some of the full time staff! So refreshing! We had a blast together. I can't wait to get everyone together this spring to see one another!
Fall break was nice. Josh and I had a fun trip home. We stopped off in Mansfield to see Todd and Kelley, friends from church at school. On the way back onto 30, we turned just in time to see Joe S. driving right beside us on his way home! So weird!
I spent Friday with the family, watching movies (The Killers, a funny 'action' movie). Saturday, I spent the day at Algonquin Mill, enjoying some fresh made cookies, some steam engines, and some time with great friends.
After that though, my handsome godson Bryon got to spend the night at my house! He will be 2 in a few weeks and I can't make it to the birthday party, so I had him for the weekend. It was his first time away from home without his mom or dad, so it was a big event for him!! He did so well, I'm so proud. We got to play in the leaves, go on a moonlit walk (only because it gets dark now at 7:45), climb all over things, play with cars, all sorts of stuff.
Sunday, I got to enjoy going to church and then coming home to see Bryon before he headed home with his mom. I then got to head to see some of the kids at youth group. So exciting and so hilarious. After driving around with Miss Hannah for about a half hour, we ended up at the Lau's. First order of business what YouTube videos, followed by a dose of whip cream to the face. Oh and some cheerios too! Check out some of these pictures:

Did I mention that I Love the fall!!!!
I will have to put up another entry on life as a college student trying to get a job, as that is quite the ordeal, but know that I've been doing that these past few weeks too and will update you all soon! Prayers for guidance and wisdom for the job search are much appreciated!
I will be up late tonight to finish my paper, in which all the research has been done for 3 weeks, that will be extremely easy to write, that is due tomorrow. This will cause a lack of sleep, a long Thursday, a grumpy demeanor, as well as the fact that I had to be distracted during conversations tonight so that I could finish this paper.
While I find myself in this position tonight with this paper, this happens all the time!!! It's always one thing or the other, with the excuse "I'll do it tomorrow, I'll have time later, I've got more important things to do with my life right now," etc. etc. So yes, I see it in my school work, but I see it in so many aspects of life. From family, friends, school, my house, and most definitely my spiritual life. Ahh!
If you take a look at Jesus' life, the most important thing to Jesus at any given time was the person right in front of Him. Not to diminish the fact that He was definitely here for a purpose other than that, but honestly, the person right in front of Him was the most important person right then and there. I fail at this. Someday time will not run my life. [Side note, someday I hope to live on a farm and live a simple life, but that's a topic for another day]. Someday I will not rush from one thing to another, losing myself in my schedule. How does this relate to procrastination you may ask? Well I procrastinate with people. I have a list of so many people I need to catch up with, have coffee/tea with, to write thank you cards to, etc. I have a list, literally. It will eventually get all done, but I put people on a list. A list that has been ongoing for 8 weeks!
School work and house work I feel is self explanatory. Homework is always done the night before (more like hours before), or in all honesty, not done at all. My room = piles of stuff to be put away [speaking of which, I need to move my laundry to the dryer...] The kitchen, well I think I said enough about that in my last post.
But I think what I'm bothered by the most is my procrastination in my spiritual life. I love reading the Bible, especially the Old Testament. I'm currently in Joshua, so there is all kinds of action going on, big huge battle scenes, tens of thousands of soldiers going at it in old fashioned warfare. Kinda cool (and people think the Bible is boring...) I get into the Word, and I can't get enough of it. But it's a matter of actually getting into the Word. I try to read when I wake up, but then I oversleep because I was up so late. So then I try to read before I go to bed, but then I justify that I'll just read in the morning because I'm too tired now. <=Procrastination at it's finest. To combat this, I now have a Bible in my bookbag so if I have time, I pull it out. It's definitely helped. Prayers are much appreciated as I struggle with this battle. I pray that I can combat this just like Joshua :)
Leaving the topic of procrastination, I haven't updated you on life for a while. What a fun two or three weeks it has been! It's been a busy few weeks, but a lot of fun.
I finally made a decent meal, even if it was hamburger helper |
The sunset on the way home from the barn |
Mad game of round robin ping pong |
Laura and Lizzie in the hot spot on the farm (figuratively and literally!) |
We got a little muddy |
Fall break was nice. Josh and I had a fun trip home. We stopped off in Mansfield to see Todd and Kelley, friends from church at school. On the way back onto 30, we turned just in time to see Joe S. driving right beside us on his way home! So weird!
I spent Friday with the family, watching movies (The Killers, a funny 'action' movie). Saturday, I spent the day at Algonquin Mill, enjoying some fresh made cookies, some steam engines, and some time with great friends.
After that though, my handsome godson Bryon got to spend the night at my house! He will be 2 in a few weeks and I can't make it to the birthday party, so I had him for the weekend. It was his first time away from home without his mom or dad, so it was a big event for him!! He did so well, I'm so proud. We got to play in the leaves, go on a moonlit walk (only because it gets dark now at 7:45), climb all over things, play with cars, all sorts of stuff.
Cheese! He's got some wild hair. Mom combed out the curls, so it's a bit frizzy |
Playing with the plastic pumpkins |
Chillen' |
Oh how I miss these guys!!
Monday and Tuesday I got to spend time with Corey as Mom went on a mini vacation (she totally got to fly an airplane!!!). We had some fun. I got to enjoy the fall weather. OH WAIT! The Dariette closed on Sunday, so I definitely went there for milkshakes. You all are definitely missing out if you haven't checked out the Dariette :) Anyways, I enjoyed a wonderful lunch with the Hoovers as well as with Pastor Dale and Matt. Good times.
Lastly, here are some other pics just because I love the fall and all it's beauty!!!
Lovin' the Dariette! |
Did I mention that I Love the fall!!!!
I will have to put up another entry on life as a college student trying to get a job, as that is quite the ordeal, but know that I've been doing that these past few weeks too and will update you all soon! Prayers for guidance and wisdom for the job search are much appreciated!
Bible Study,
Fun with Friends,
Lovin' God,
Marmon Valley,
My House,
My lil man,
Teaching Moments
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