So what has happened since last Thursday, you ask? I have to admit, I don't remember a lot of it, minus a lot of sleeping. I thought I had caught up on sleep, and then my body told me otherwise.
I do know that Thursday night, Kellie and I went out to Massillon to watch the ending of an era... haha. We went and saw the last movie of Harry Potter. It was kind of sad. I mean, I started reading the books probably once they had been out for at least a year (so before the second book came out). Kellie and I went to a premiere for the last book, so it only made sense to go to the last movie at midnight too! We saw the first half right before the second half. That was definitely the best move to make.
My reaction: I can't wait to see it again!!! What an awesome movie. I highly recommend it. It's just a good movie! I even enjoyed the epilogue part (which I hated in the book!) And for those who know Kellie - even she liked the movie! Which says a lot!
If you are a Harry Potter person, for a bit of comic relief, and some thought provoking statements - listen to this (skip to 1:21 if you really want to see it )
Pictures from the crazy evening:
The start of our evening: 8:45 pm
This picture doesn't do justice to the crowds that were there
before the movie.
Kellie's true love
My true love
The mad dash to leave!
Still going strong at 2:30 am!
What a perfect sky to end the Harry Potter era
Sunday, (because I kind of can't remember what happened on Friday evening or Saturday, other than playing xbox with my family a lot and sleeping) - Oh wait! I did go and hang out with Chelsea, Ashley, Joe, John, and Andi for a bit. Back to Sunday - the mission team spoke at church and then we went to Applebees afterwards. I had a lot of fun with those guys. Oh and I went fishing last night, and I totally caught a fish!
Heads up from a prayer standpoint. Starting this Thursday, I'm leading a high school girls Bible study. I've decided to go through Ruth with them and see where God leads us as we study how He led Ruth to Boaz. If any of you have tried to get 9 high school girls and yourself to find one day that works for all, you feel my pain of trying to pick a night. For this week, it's Thursday. If you could be praying for this time, I would greatly appreciate it. God is doing amazing things in these ladies lives, and I can't wait to see how they grow.
As promised, a few pictures! . . . . . . . . .
On second thought, the computer is slowly failing and they aren't going to come. I am going to figure out a faster way to get pictures to you though. I think I am going to open a picture share site through Shutterfly and see where I can go from there. I'll keep you posted!
So, I just went and read your recent update and then saw a picture of us and clicked on it...which brought me to this page! Love the pictures but even more I love that you posted a link to the vlogbrothers! :) awesome!