Friday, November 2, 2012

Day 2 – Thankful for Harry Potter and Lunch Meat

For November, I'm going to try to write down what I'm thankful for each day.  A way to get back into blogging. I know I missed yesterday, but I do have something for today:

I’m currently sitting in the airport, waiting ever so patiently to board (in like an hour) to head out to see only the coolest person ever…. Brandy!  

[[it’s kind of funny considering she just left my house last Saturday, but I’m all for it!]] 

Anyway, I just sat down by a charging station because my lovely R2D2 phone doesn’t stay charged much anymore. (Oh R2, what would I do without you, despite your lack of charge holding skills?) This guy sitting beside me sat down and is eating Arby fries… talk about a heavenly smell when I haven’t ate since lunch and its way past supper.  Instead of giving into temptation and buying myself a few of those amazing fries, I pull out my Ziploc baggie that has my cold cut sandwich inside… 


And I thought to myself, I feel like Ron Weasley. Ha!! You know when Harry and Ron first meet and Harry buys all those sweets and Ron just look longingly at them and pulls out his corned beef sandwich!? Yeah, that’s me right now, pulling out my sandwich.  Only difference is my sandwich rocks!  Buffalo Chicken cold cut.  
I've traveled far and wide and experienced countless things thanks to all of the books I've read.  Thank you Mom for always reading, making me want to read like you.   
So for today, I’m thankful for all of the awesome books I’ve grown up with, including Harry Potter.  And for the extraordinary buffalo chicken sandwich I’m about to bite into. 
Happy Friday!

[[ I know I missed Day 1 for November, but I want to say I’m so thankful for the desires God has put in my heart.  His Spirit guides me and it’s so cool when I realize how He is working in my life. ]]

1 comment:

  1. :) oh this just makes me smile! haha I think i will have some nice warm Lasagna waiting for you in the car! HAHAHA see you soon my friend!!!


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