Needless to say, Corey's prom was last Friday. Oh my, how adorable. It's such a new adventure in life seeing him be a teenage boy. Corey is dating this wonderful young lady, Beth. Beth also goes to Southgate School with Corey, and they have basically known each other for a little over 10 years.
What a cute couple. Take a look for yourself:
Oh my. He looked so sharp. He looked like a business professional before we left the house:
But what a gentleman. He helped her up and down the stairs, into the car, with her seat belt. Oh man, what a charmer. I love him so much. It's amazing to look at him now, and where God has brought him from where he and our family started when he was born. God is good :)
So funny story with adorable pictures to prove it: I was acting as the paparazzi for a little bit and told Corey to put his arm around Beth for the pictures. He then told me, "No, we hold hands" and then held her hand. How amazingly adorable. Of course there are a ton of pictures. I can't believe how grown up he is.
I feel like I've given you plenty to smile at and brighten your day, so enjoy the sun when it comes around. :)