Christmas break literally seemed to fly by. So much fun happened. It was a blast to be home. I'm looking forward to the new year, and hope to be more active with this blog. But for now, I'd love to give you a recap of my life these past few weeks, in pictures :)
I decided to make a few of my Christmas presents:
Have you seen those crayon art things on Pinterest? My cousin and I tried to make them and the epically failed. Be sure you really use the hot glue gun, because super glue does NOT work. Oops.
So, not one to settle for failure, I tried it again. This time in the shape of a heart.
After a lot of crayons falling off, re-gluing them on, and quite the mess, it turned out kinda cute :-/ Ashley liked it (good thing because I made it for her, haha)
So then I tried another one:
I'm not sure that I like it. I would definitely recommend using a big canvas, because the small ones don't work as well. You need plenty of room for the crayons to drip so you can actually see the colors.
I then went on to make a gift for my friend Brandy out in California. We met a few summers ago at Marmon and God has been the foundation of our friendship, and I wouldn't want it any other way.
I made this board for her to hang up in her room. It turned out soo cute!
P.S. This is Brandy :)
It turned out that Brandy flew to New York after her adventurous ending to her time in Peru. That meant she had to pass through Ohio on the way to California :)
AKA - I got to see her, and the rest of the Wileys! What a great family. I am so thankful that God allowed me to cross paths with them.
Lizzie, Me, and Brandy before their trip |
After my quick visit to Marmon, I had to pack up to head home for the break. Poor Petey was packed like a sardine can (random side note. Petey's original name was the silver bullet before I was an RA. It then became the Sardine Can while I was an RA, you'd never believe how much you can fit in my car, and then during camp, Petey found his most recent name. Haha)
He looks like a spaceship. Ready for takeoff! |
After a long drive, my home was in sight. Notice the lack of snow? Yeah, I think Ohio is confused with it's calendar.
Over break, my old friend the bassoon got to come out. I miss playing! We had fun that night. Here's the 'back' of the bassoon. See all those keys? Those are the keys that only my left thumb uses! I love it!
I luckily had some reeds at home to play on. --We'll keep their ages out of it. After all, it's never polite to ask someone how old they are :)
I got to do a whole bunch more over break, such as continue my internship, four wheel in the snow, travel around, Christmas parties with family and friends, my birthday was in the mix, and spend time with my family.
On the last night home, the moon was out way before it should have been, so I ran outside to take pictures. I don't have the greatest camera, but it's nice. The picture doesn't give it justice, but it was gorgeous.
God is good. I've been blessed with amazing friends and family. I couldn't ask for more.